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Data builder error in saving


2 Kommentare

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    Xabier Clemente

    Hello Carsten,

    Thank you for reaching us via our Community Forums.

    This error usually indicates that Data Builder is unable to establish a connection to the server where your database is hosted. There could be several reasons for this issue, from Firewall and permissions to DNS issues. Have you ever been able to save the BarTender Database or did you always experience this issue?

    Also, could you tell us what BarTender version, edition and service release are you currently using? You can access this information by navigating to the "Help > About" menu in BarTender Designer.

    Thank you.

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    Carsten Frederiksen


    Yes I have previously had succes with this(BT 2022 release3 or 4), but not anymore. 

    I was trying to make a local database on my PC? but could this be related to where the licensserver is located/installed? 

    current is BT 2022 release 6.


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