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SpDeleteOlderRecords and log size


5 Kommentare

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    Peter Thane

    Is this your BarTender System Database or your own data database? If the former there are various options in Administration Console that could help with this maintenance task

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    Anders Rolann

    Hello there.

    This will require a DBA to look at your current setup.
    I'll be happy to help out, I have been working with databases and Bartender for many years.
    You can contact me on anders@evikali.dk.

    Anders Rolann


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    Sebastian Dobrasz

    Hi Peter

    I tried with the Administration Console and by Run Maintenance task, but as you see in screenshot - the same situation - transaction log rise over 120 GB, and we have only 120 GB free space, so the task can't complete.

    The database has almost 70 GB so it's smaller than the log.

    Is there any solution for that?

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    Peter Thane

    You are logging a lot of print job and Integration data, do you need all that? If you look at the System Database tab you can adjust what is being logged as you may not need to log all the details. 

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    Sebastian Dobrasz

    Hi Peter

    I deleted Integrations Data, but from what I see, they don't appear as database file size.

    So I still have data in over 67 GB.

    And I asked about WHY the maintenance tasks create such big log (which cause aborting task), not about structure of my data.


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