Best Method
Hello, apologies for the newbie question.
I am about to purchase a license of the enterprise version (or 3). I would like to know the best way to print a label from excel (vba) using data in a spreadsheet. I would have the user click a button, the data would be used to print x-number of labels based on that data. The data would always be one record (but change depending on it's own datasource -an ISAM database) and the number of labels would be based on a field in that data.
I don't need a full explanation, I just don't want to start down the wrong (long) path.
Playing with Bartender for a very short term and so far it leaves the competition in the dust.
First learn how to create a form and VBA macros in Excel. Use Google to find some good tutorials on this. I made an Excel VBA macro recently for something unrelated to BarTender, and I found various YouTube tutorial videos particularly helpful.
Once you have the VBA macro is Excel under control you just need to slot in the appropriate code to control BarTender via automation. Use the below white paper on ActiveX (COM) automation to start you off, and peruse the BarTender Help system under the "Automating BarTender" topic for a full reference.
I would suggest that you structure your code so that a BarTender application object is created/destroyed when you load/unload your Excel form. Perhaps you should open/close the BarTender document to use on the form load/unload event too. And then for the onclick event for your "Print" button in the form, run the code to set data on the label and print to a specified printer.
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Great, I'm very familiar with the Excel/VBA/forms part, just wanted to make sure it was a viable and appropriate way to go about it or if there was a better way. Thanks so much for getting back.
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Hey, page 6 in that guide shows how to add the reference from the client. My flavour (version 10), doesn't have that Component? Is there a different component on newer versions?
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Are you sure you don't have a "BarTender 10.0" reference?
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I'm sorry, I must have missed it. I've got it now thanks.
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