Operator Label Edit Permissions For Udi
We are currently Bartender 9.4 SR1 Automation edition and we are in the process of implementing UDI, At present the operators have full edit rights to (move) and (edit) any aspect of the label and more importantly UDI barcode information. As these codes and relevant information around the label are a lot more sensitive than previous symbologies we are looking to limit their access to the data.
From the security privileges I can revoke permission from the operators from editing any part of the label by password protecting it, However this also stops them moving information around the label format.
Is it possible to remove their permissions to edit the data on each label ( unless prompted by a text box.) and only allow them to move existing information around the label format thus removing the potential to cause a non compliance to UDI data format requirements.?
Many Thanks
Shotaro Ito
★ BarTender Hero ★
In BarTender 10.1, you have layers to keep certain label objects and you can lockdown layers by security center / document password. Try on trial ver to see if that meets your requirements.
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