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Refreshing Test Database To Live Database


6 Kommentare

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    Shotaro Ito

    For OLEDB Connection to SQL Server,

    When database name and table name is the same, you should be able to use the same document by..

    - Database connection setup > Options > Setup, specify server and database.


    - Re-create database connection. Remove current database connection then create new connection.


    In case database name and/or table name has changed, you can modify database / table alias to match original name to keep current field definition on label objects.

    On Database connection setup, left tree, right click database name or table name then Edit Alias..

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    Legacy Poster

    Thank you Shotaro, this will really help us!


    Arigatou Gozaimasu!

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    Legacy Poster


    Is there a way to change the Alias using VBA code from Excel ?  I want to try to avoid two sets of templates but they would by default be attached to the same database which wouldn't be good int he test environment.  I tried looking thru the forums and Google but no one seems to talk about the database setup using VBA.



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    Shotaro Ito

    Unfortunately, there's no way you can modify alias from VBA.

    Pehaps you can use ODBC connection and modify some parameter in ODBC data source.

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    Legacy Poster


    So instead of the ODBC changes I will be doing the Export Image as you talked a lot about on other posts.  The only thing I can't get to work is setting the Logo images on the template.


    Using btFormat.ExportToFile (I only have Automation), I can set the value from my Excel tool using SetNamedSubStringValue for each field, but I also have an image that needs to be 'previewed' in the export.  Is there something that can be done with this for ExportToFile ?  Just checking before I have Excel do that part.  Thank you.

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    Shotaro Ito


    When you need to change logo image from code, create a datasource picture on template, then give name to its data source. Then you can give path of the image file by SetNamedSubStringValue.

    it would work with ExportToFile too.


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