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Bartender 9.3 - Insert Error For Dbo.btprintjoboptions


2 Kommentare

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    Kai Kohler

    You can try installing a new system database and seeing if you get the same errors when logging to a new database - this lets you know if it's a problem with client logging the information.  If it doesn't reproduce in a new system database then it's a problem with your system database.  If it's a problem with the database, then I would just start logging to a new database, but if it's a problem with the client, then I would look into reinstalling that client.

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    Thank you for your answer.


    Yesterday we had a lot of problems with BarTender. Labels could not be printed.

    One of the error-messages we found was the one above. We didn't know if it was related to our problems or not. So I asked in this forum. 


    Later we did a reboot of our server and that solved our problems.

    The error-messages still occur. However it doesn't seem to have any negative effects on the workings of BarTender. Nobody is complaining.


    We don't have much knowledge of BarTender around here. And no test-system.

    So I will never get permission to re-install a new system database.  :-(


    So I guess we'll have to live with this error for now.


    Thank you for your quick reply.





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