Superscript In Database
Hi there,
I have trouble setting up superscript in Bartender. Some data may have superscript, while other doesnt. I have database (in excel) as below
Food 3210 SA
Food 2881
Food 3110 BD
Food 5320 SA
Food 8290
When I import the data from excel, it becomes as below:
Food 3210 SA
Food 2881
Food 3110 BD
Food 5320 SA
Food 8290
BarTender will only get the plain data over the database connection. We don't get to see any text formatting which is setup in Excel. You'd need to reintroduce the formatting on the BarTender side.
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I want to pick up on that issue. I have the same problem and don't get it to work.I am however no programmer just a user but I tried now for a few days to understand how to write a VB script for that but I do not get it to work.
I would need to search for a specific string in the datafield and have that part in superscript.
I was also looking for the GHS_Demo. file to look at VB scripts there but I could not find that one.
The version I downloaded is the automation version.Someone can give a hint?
Thanks in advance./Anja
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Anja: You can tackle this in various different ways. You could use a Word processor text object, and make use of the RTF formatting with the database fields. You could use an RTF mark-up language container text object, and have the RTF script of the text that contains superscript in it. For example:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.14393}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\f0\fs22\lang9 Food 3210 \super SA\nosupersub\par
}You could use a multi-data source text object, specifying a font per data source, and for example reference the same database field using truncation transforms to chop off the normal and superscript bits of the field as is needed.
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Hi Ian,
thanks for your answer but as I wrote I am not a programmer, this is even more like chinese for me. :-)
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The first option I mention, to use the Word Processor text object type, to the edit the text in a rich text editor environment which supports superscript capability, does not require you to have technical or even programming knowledge.
This article should also be helpful:
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