Letters With Accents
Hi Again,
I'm trying to print a label that uses a CSV file as a database source. In my CSV file, the letters with accents are showing up fine, yet when BarTender 9.4 SP3 prints the label, the letters with accents are replaced with other characters. Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere that I need to change that will allow me to print letters with accents on them?
I'm trying to print a label that uses a CSV file as a database source. In my CSV file, the letters with accents are showing up fine, yet when BarTender 9.4 SP3 prints the label, the letters with accents are replaced with other characters. Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere that I need to change that will allow me to print letters with accents on them?
In the database set-up dialog under the "Options" tab, make sure you specify the correct code page for reading in the text file data.
In your label design you might want to try using a Windows font like Arial (with no font substitution) just in case the printer font doesn't support accented characters.0 -
Thanks for the suggestion Ian,
Under options, I had "Windows' System Default". I tried a few different Unicodes (UTF-8, UTF-16, etc). And I'm using Arial with no substitutions. There was no change on the printed labels.
The letter that's in my raw file is an "é" yet it's changing it to an "é" on my label. It's consistent with everywhere in my raw file that I have an "é".
Rob0 -
Sorry, I just remembered one other thing that I should have mentioned. In the Data Validation for those Data Fields on the label, I have selected "Convert To Uppercase". Any possibility that could have something to do with it too?
Rob0 -
The conversion to upper case won't have anything to do with it.
Any chance you could attach your label format and the text file for us to examine? If you feel less than inclined to do so feel free to send a technical support email instead.
I take it that a print preview also demonstrates the issue?0 -
Print Preview shows that everything is fine. but printing the label shows the letter substitutions. I will plan to contact Technical Support on Monday.
Thanks for your assistance.
Rob0 -
This is strange because the print preview uses Windows fonts to display the text on screen. If Windows fonts are used in the print job then the text data is sent to the printer as graphic data in the same way as the print preview. I can only assume that Windows fonts are not truly in use, but are in some way being substituted at print time by a printer font. Please double check the BarTender label format and the printer driver for any possible font substitutions. 0 -
Thanks for your suggestions Ian. I'm pretty sure I've verified that Font substitions are turned off everywhere. I have just e-mail'ed support though so we'll see what they say.
Rob0 -
I have noticed that some fonts are not printed correctly, when I have designed the label format in the latest version of BarTender (9.4), saved as 9.3 and opened them and printed in 9.3 (using Seagull drivers).
Could you try to crate simple label with only one field? Try default printer font (in case you are using Zebra printer)and then also Arial. That could show if you need to create label formats again.0 -
Technical Support in the US tell me that you called them and figured out the issue. I include it below for any other forum users who are interested:
The user was actually seeing the same problem in BarTender directly in the "Database Connection Setup" window, an SQL server backend generates trigger files that then gets passed to Commander for processing – those same trigger files were being used as the database as well. The encoding of those files were ANSI instead of Unicode (UTF-8) – because it was under ANSI it was giving the é instead of the é we were expecting.
The simple fix for this one was going into "Database Connection Setup" in the BarTender label format and switching the Encoding from ‘Windows System Default” over to Unicode UTF-8 and this fixed the problem.
The user mentioned that he had already tried this. However, since he was printing through Commander though it was likely he made the change through BarTender and ran a trigger file through quickly enough that Commander didn’t detect the new changes made to the label format for the Encoding switch. To ensure that the modified label format is being used, stopping and then restarting detection in Commander is the fool proof method. This exits all running BarTender processes, thus closing any loaded label formats, and then restarting and reloading them again from file.0 -
Thanks for your help Ian.
I never would have figured that Commander was caching a .btw file. We reviewed the Cache settings in Commander and made some tweaks there too.
And thanks for posting the result here as well so others could benefit from the solution as well.
Rob0 -
I also encountered this issue today with the same character.
The solution was a big help for us.
Thanks for this post.0
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