Micropdf Frame
I am trying to generate a microPDF barcode using the data:
Serial number: ABCD13-MHR10150293
Part number: 1CD12345678
ID code: ABCDE12345
Series number: S1:1
i want to fit this into microPDF symbol of 4x15. I am able to do this using another SW but not with bartender. Can you please try this and let me what could be of a possible mistake??
I just tried this with the current version of BarTender, v10.0 SR4, and I can create the barcode you wish just fine. Columns are set to 4 and rows are set to 15. Are you using an older version of BarTender? If so you might need to upgrade if this symbology specification is not available to you.
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I am trying with the same version. However, i get a red colour "X" mark in the mid of the barcode. What settings u have used??
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Can you pl. show me how the microPDF string looks like?? I am doubt full that i am making mistake in construction of the frame itself.
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This is what I created...
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but this is just a straight forward data encoding. This is not microPDF. A microPDF will look like:
Rs- Recordseperator
Gs-Group seperator
Eot- End of transmission.
[)>- MicroPDF specific symbols.
When i read the barcode, i should get exactly same stream. the cross check is that when i read with a scanner that is connected to a PC through USB, then it will replace the
Rs-- !
EoT-- ?
Then i can confirm that the microPDF barcode symbol is printed correct.
The one u encoded will fail MicroPDF check.
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MicroPDF is the barcode symbology, you made no mention in your question about these control characters and formatting until now.
In the data source dialog click the Omega button to the right of the dialog, in older versions this is an little arrow button. From there you'll be able to pick and insert the control characters into the data source string.
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OK, i am already upto this point. I entered the string as:
Now, this gives me an error saying that the data is too much for the selected size of the symbol. I selected 4colX15rows symbol with X width as 0.21mm. Y=2X.
But with the same stream, with control characters and same amount of data, I was able to create the barcode with another software. I am wondering if any kind of compression should be made enabled here??
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Hey administrators?? anybody?? no response for my question??? may be i should ask our suppliers to switch the sw?? is that going to be solution??
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Sorry, but at the moment I'm extremely busy. I and others only answer the forum when I/we have time. If this is an important issue then I suggest you get in touch with our formal technical support service:
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I'm looking into this now, I'll get back to you with an update tomorrow hopefully.
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Okay, the problem is that we don't have built-in support for the macro 6 prefix just yet. However, you can enter it manually via the data source in the following way.
Workaround: Remove the header [)>«RS»06«GS» and trailer «RS»«EOT», then at the front insert codeword 917 using the syntax ^(917).
You data source should therefore look like this: ^(917)11PWOTRBVRTAA<<GS>>ABCD13-MHR10150239<<GS>>1P1AB123456789<<GS>>2PS1:4
In our next release we will support these prefixes as a symbology selection in the BarTender interface.
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thanks for your response. That solution of adding ^917 by removing the control characters didn't help much either. please look into the attached snapshot.
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Could you attach your BarTender BTW file for me to examine please.
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