Novice To Serial Numbering
We trigger label printing via Commander and a text trigger file.
We want Bartender to generate the serial numbers and
Three issues I am having:
ideally, we would want to pass the quantity of a product and have Bartender print four identical labels for each unit being shipped
If this is impractical, I can provide individual data rows in the trigger file, one for each unit being shipped.
So the issues:
From a single data record, can I generate a variable number of sets of four 4 identical labels ?
The variable number of labels is a value in the data set.
If so, what is my set-up?
How can I force the format of the serial umber to have leading zeros? We want the serial umber to be (say) 6 characters long starting with 001000.
I assume during testing, BarTender will continue to increment the serial numbers, test after test. If so, how do we reset the serial numbers to the desired original value when we deploy the label template to production?
- if you want it to stay at 4 copies, in your label you just want to set 'copies per serial number' to 4. You'd set the number of copies as data sourced from the appropriate field in the database.
- To maintain the format you want to make sure that in the 'serialization' window you have the 'preserve data source length' box checked. That will keep it at whatever the format of the original data is.
- If you want serialization to reset after every print job you'd just uncheck the 'update data source after print' box. If you're talking about just resetting when you do to production you'd just change it in the label.
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We are using version 10 and I do not see "copies per serial number' or 'preserve data source length'. Has this changed in 10?
As for my last point, let me try to better explain.
I want to create a label where the serial number that starts with 001000 and want Bartender to increment this, keep track of the last serial number generated, and, at the next label printing job, increments from the last one printed.
We will use this in a draft of the template probably over and over while testing and validating presumably each time incrementing the serial numbers.
Then when we are ready to go into production, we need to re-set the serial numbers to begin with 00100 again. How can I do this?
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I got the restart issue. I have to set the embedded data to the original value just before promoting to production and I did get the copied per serial umber by using a combination of settings available to me.
Now I;m just stuck on the fixed length question.
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With regards to the fixed length question:
- Open the BarTender document.
- Double click on the text object which uses serialization.
- Choose the data source on the left pane which uses serialization.
- Choose the "Transforms" tab on the right pane and click on the "Serialization" button.
- Now enable the "Preserve Data Source Length" check box.
Does this help?
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]I am doing something wrong. Please see screen shot attached. I see no such check box.
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I see that the Source being used for the "Serial Number" is VBScript... Do you need to use a "VBScript" source for this data source? Do you've the same issue when you use an "Embedded Data" source and then enable "Serialization"?
BTW, what Edition of BarTender is in use?
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When using Embedded data, the results and choices are the same.
I have tried to use text instead of a numeric value but then serial numbering doesn't work.
With Visual Basic I tried to set the value to "003000" but with no effect.
Under DataType tab, there is a Show Leading Zero check box as well as a precision choice (sets decimal positions) and choices for how to display negative numbers
But I cannot figure out how to get the leading zeros or fixed length factor to be included.
The version is Enterprise Edition 10.4 SR4 Build 2868
Running on Windows 7 x64 .SP1
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Can you attach your BarTender document to this post? Use the "More Reply Options" button and then choose and attach the label format.
Otherwise, you might wish to contact Seagull Technical Support at:
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Here it is
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I see that you've set the "Data Type" of your data source to be numeric. If you set it to Text instead and now select the "Transform" tab again and create your serial number, you will be able to choose the "Preserve Data Source Lenght". As you seem to be having issues when using Text as the data type, it might be better that you contact tech-support by email or phone, including the BT document and database file and an accurate description of what exactly you're trying to achieve.
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Ahh That did it..... Using text allowed me to specifiy a fixed length of numbers. And serialization worked on the text value
Thanks for your help and patience...
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I have the following requirement for a client and am quite new to Bartender, perhaps you could guide me a bit.
i need to generate a barcode for a lable using multiple criteria.
A. two chracters to identify the product
B. four characters to identify product specifications
C. four characters for the date
D. four characters to Uniquely identify the item(like a serial number)
i would like to generate the lables using the lable's own data entry form.
Hope you can help.
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Hello Mark,
You could start by taking a look at BarTender's training videos:
E.g. "Getting Started with BarTender", "Setting up your blank labels", "Designing Print-Time Data-Entry" forms".
If you then still have questions, please let us know more about the specifications of the bar code (what bar code symbology, if it's a particular bar code standard you're after...)
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Hi Domingo,
thanks i went through the videos and understand Bartender beter now. I still have this problem.
I would like to create a lable with a barcode on, using the Print-Time Data-Entry" forms. the information contained in the barcode is made up of multiple values that we enter at print time but the infomation should all come together in one field (i.e. to end up making one barcode) for example
mh = description of material
20130114 = date
52 = additional product information
001= automatic numbering sequence
so i need multiple data inputs to make up one code and then express it as a barcode.
hope this makes sence. please help.
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Create you barcode and for it make multiple data sources by clicking the "New" data source icon placed below the data source list. Note that each data source can be source separately, for example using a data entry form and/or applying any other transform such as serialization or validation as needed.
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