Changing A Text Field To Use Database Will Move It On The Printout
Using BarTender 10.1 SR2 evaluation. If I print out a label with static text fields, all is well. But if I change a text field to use data from a database, the text is correctly printed, but it's printed slightly down from the rest of the text fields that are still static. Why would this text move just because it's coming from a database?
I know of no reason for this. Perhaps you could attach a BarTender document, that demonstrates the issue for us to examine.
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Ok the label and databse text are are attached. Two fields now have links to the database, the serial number and the first MAC address. When printed, both of these fields are in a lower position.
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Any news on this issue?
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I don't see anything in the label design that would cause what you report. However, I note that you're using a non-standard Windows font (Helvetica), could you check that the font is properly installed on the PC in question. If not a different font will be used, like Arial, which will give you different than expected results.
Also the reference point for each object is set to "Bottom Left" as opposed to the "Top Left" which is the default. Maybe if you change this it will cure the issue. The setting in found in the "Position" dialog of the object.
Try creating a new, simple test label from scratch, that connects to the same data file, to see if the problem replicates. This will help show if this is a document specific issue, or something more general with your installation as a whole.
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I will try these changes and see what happens. The font and reference points are based on the label document I'm working to.
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Making changes to the existing label didn't help. I change the anchor points to "top left" and the font to arial, but it still prints those 2 elements out of position. I created a simple label with 1 static text field and 2 database text fields. This will print out as expected.
So short of creating the label all over again, is there anything else I can do to correct it?
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I would suggest you recreate the label as something obscure has become corrupted. You're looking at a 30 minute redesign or days of head scratching. One fault finding method is to create a new label and then copy and paste objects, one at a time from the old document. Print/preview for each copied object until you run into the problem. In this way you might diagnose the problem object, if there is one.
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I was thinking deleting elements to see if it started behaving, but cut&paste will work as well. I'll get on it, thanks!
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Well I'm afraid it just won't work. As soon as I add any text above the MAC address fields, the database connected text shifts down. Tried things like changing text property to auto-fit, padding the sample text. I can't think of anything else to try. I could design the label with this printing offset in mind, but that seems like the wrong way to go here. Any other suggestions?
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I just don't see why you would get this problem beyond the document being corrupt in some way. While copying and pasting between documents, as soon as you run into a problem, create a fresh new object in the new document instead of copy paste; does that not work? And what about creating a new label from scratch altogether, do you still get the issue?
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I tried both cut&paste and inserting new text objects. And this is with a newly created label template.
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Please attach the newly created document, created from scratch, along with data file, and a photo of the printed label. Also, from the printer driver properties, select the "About" dialog, click the "Version" button, and from the dialog that opens click the "Version" button to save the driver info to file, and attach.
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Ok, here's the files. Thanks for looking into this problem, it's got to be some silly thing I'm doing somewhere.
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It seems to have to do with the type of data sources used. In your example BarTender document only the first MAC address is sourcing the data from a database field. If I set the other two MAC address text objects to source from their respective database fields then I get a consistent alignment between them. The problem is that these then don't match with the "MAC ADDRESS:" text object. A quick fix for this is to open the "Print" dialog, select the "Performance" tab and untick the "Allow Static Graphics" checkbox.
Yep, this is a strange one. We'll be looking into it further.
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Well at least you can duplicate the problem, that's half the battle. Thanks for looking into this.
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Did you try unticking the "Allow Static Graphics" checkbox.under the "Performance" tab of the "Print" dialog? This will allow you to print with all objects positioned consistently.
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Yes I turned off "Allow Static Graphics" and it prints correctly! :)
Does that setting stay with each label template or is that a system wide setting? I'm assuming system wide, so when I make 3 or 4 similar labels that option will be off for all of them?
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If the "Use settings for all documents" radio button is selected then it hold true for that BarTender installation for the currently logged in user. If "Use settings for this document only" is selected, then the setting is saved as part of the document file.
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By the way, this problem, or at least, something similar, still exists in v2016.
I have ~30 templates; many have objects that are either printed, or not, based on Form selections. Those objects that are toggled in this way will not position correctly on the label: they print "higher" than the rest of the template.
Turning off "Allow Static Graphics" fixed it.
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