Solution To Be Compatible With Any Scales Usb, Rs232 Continuous...
I would like to share with you a solution that allows BarTender to be compatible with any types of scales; USB postal scale with no driver, RS232 scale in continous mode, scale with bidirectional protocol...
To do this I use the software "Bill Redirect" from the company (a shareware at 35$ USD) this software acts as a driver for your scale and can send on demand to BarTender the weight.
Communication Diagram example for a USB Mettler Toledo PS series:
[Mettler T. PS 60]---(USB)--->[BillRedirect Software]---(TCP)--->[BarTender Software]
BillRedirect Configuration:
- Disable all section except: Serial Port and TCPIP
- In Serial Port Configuration check the option: USB Scale Without Serial driver
- In Serial Port Configuration select the option "format": {lbs}
- In Serial Port Configuration select the option "Send weight": On demand
- In TCPIP Configuration, chose the option: Server
*** Take in note the IP ADDRESS and the PORT and use this configuration in BarTender
- In Data Filtering Configuration ADD in section Search and Replace this rule:
Search: {TCP_RX}
Replace by: {TX_TCP[{ASCII:2}{MULTIPLY[{USB_TX[REQWEIGHT]},1,000.00]}{ASCII:13}]}
*** This software can emulate any kind of scale but in this example I use the MT PS 60 lbs FORMAT
- In main screen, click on button: Save Configuration
*** Use the Debugger section to see the data received and sending to BarTender
Communication Diagram example for a RS232 Continuous data sreaming scale:
[Continous Scale]---(RS232)--->[BillRedirect Software]---(TCP)--->[BarTender Software]
BillRedirect Configuration:
*** Power off your scale during the configuration.
- Disable all section except: Serial Port, Virtual Keyboard and TCPIP
- In Serial Port Configuration enter the Bauds, Parity, DataBits of your scale
- In Serial Port Configuration enter in Timeout: 999
- In Serial Port Configuration enter in ETX: 10
*** Usually the string sent by the scale is finished by a character ETX: 10 but sometimes it's 13 or 3 it depend of your scale brand and model.
- In TCPIP Configuration, chose the option: Server
*** Take in note the IP ADDRESS and the PORT and use this configuration in BarTender
- In section Virtual Keyboard click on ADD
*** The current weight is show on this button but to hide this button just enter on the button in field "Window Title": HideMe
- In Data Filtering Configuration ADD in section Search and Replace this rule:
Search: {SERIAL_RX}
Replace by: {TX_BUTTON_TXT[0,RX_DATA]}
- In Data Filtering Configuration ADD in section Search and Replace this rule:
Search: {TCP_RX}
Replace by: {TX_TCP[{ASCII:2}{MULTIPLY[{BUTTON_TXT[0]},1,000.00]}{ASCII:13}]}
*** This software can emulate any kind of scale but in this example I use the MT PS 60 lbs FORMAT then in BarTender use format Mettler Toledo PS 60 via TCP
- In main screen, click on button: Save Configuration
*** Use the Debugger section to see the data received and sending to BarTender
Note: Billproduction company offers free technical support
I hope I have helped you !
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