Bold A Single Word In A Multiline Text Box
Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section.
I'm designing a label using bartender, In the ingredients list any allergens must be in bold.
When I highlight the allergen, in this case "Mustard Seeds" and try to make the single word bold, the whole paragraph becomes bold.
How can I make a single word in a paragraph bold?
The paragraph is in a multiline text box and I'm running bartender professional version 10.0 SR1
I've attached a picture of the label
You can use the "Word Processor" or "HTML" type of text instead of "Multi Line"
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Are you sourcing the ingredients from a database file? If yes, I can also attach an example on how to make use of the markup language container object for reading the bold / cursive formatted ingredients from a database file.
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I have the same problem. Bold text in the ingredients from database.
Could you please send a sample to me too?
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Find attached a sample which uses a database text file as the source. The markup language container being used is HTML. Rename the .txt file to .zip and unzip it.
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How to Format A Part Of Text With Bold And Underlined With Source From Excel?
Ex.: List of ingredients: chicken, water....contains: soy
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would it b possible to send the sample to me as well please? I am trying the same thing IE bold certain words from file integration
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Hi all customer support number (#268908) also having the same issue when trying to bold text it is bolding the entire text field
could you also send me a sample of this?
kind regards
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Hello @all,
we have the same requirement. Would you please send me the sample.
Thanks in advance
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The process has changed massively since 2014. If you have BarTender 2019 then, as long as you used the default install options, you will already have a label sample with this built in.
Open up the EU FIC Allergen label that can be found in Documents>Bartender>BarTender Documents>Food Production and Processing folder.
If you amend the Source of the Ingredients Named Data Source in the column on the left to wherever your data is coming from (ie your ingredients dec in your database) then at print time BarTender will interrogate the field contents search for the words specified in the Allergens file and excluding the exceptions in the exceptions file (as linked in the Allergens and Exceptions named data sources) and apply the the formatting specified in the Allergens Style field.
If it part of a fixed field you want to bold then in Template view just click into the text field and highlight the part that needs to be in Bold and press the Bold. The text field will then become separate sub-strings with part of it in bold.
In the screenshot below I added a "Sample Text " text field and the highlighted the le in sample and clicked bold. I then went into the Properties of the field and changed the source of the bold part to a database and you can see the result in the Print Preview in the 2nd image below:
I hope this helps
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Hello Pete,
thank you for this little guide. We use Bartender 2016 Automation Version (64-bit).
I tried to apply your first suggestion with Embedded data:
And defined a style for a Database field:
Unfortunately the result ist this:
I hoped Zucker would be bold. Do I somehow have to apply this AllergenStyle to my Textfield? Right now, it looks like this:
With these Text properties:
Is there any way to achieve it?
Thx, Sebastian
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I seem to have an older variant of the EU FIC label as was working on a customers site configuring their system and was using a version of the label like the one you have.
For the Named Data Sources :
- Allergens needs to contain all the list of Allergens. The original field includes Allergens in a number of languages and so you will need to make sure Zucker is included in the DE section.
- AllergenStyle - is an embedded field and does not want to be linked to your database.. If you want Bold leave the text in the data box as Bold
- Exceptions - including any exceptions you need to include in the appropriate language section.
- Ingredients - link this to your database field where the ingredients list is contained
- Ingredients Style - adjust this to how you want the ingredients to appear (font ect)
- LanguageID - adjusted his to German.
For the label field, place this in the correct location and stretch the box to the correct size you need. The VB in there references all the named fields to "do its magic" !
I hope this helps
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