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Printer Maestro high memory and CPU


4 Kommentare

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    Suhail Moffat

    Bumping this up. Were you able to resolve this? We're facing the same issue on systems running 2022 R6 and 2022 R8. 

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    Harald Rauch

    Hi Suhail Moffat

    we did not get a solution for it, but I installed a powershell script to monitor memory consumption and if it reaches a threshold, it restarts the service.

    So far, this had no adverse effects on the overall operation.


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    Suhail Moffat

    That's unfortunate that this was not addressed by Seagull. It seems this is a common issue and, the more printers set up on the system, the more impact it has on the servers. Our monitoring tool captured high thread counts that the system can't keep up with. @seagull is this something you can look at please? I'll be submitting a followup case to an existing case we'e had in the past.

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    franz franz

    I have been facing the same issue for the past two days. The Printer Maestro service is causing high CPU and memory usage on our server, as well as consuming all available space on the local disk (C:). The disk space drops from 80GB to 250MB. The only temporary fix is to reboot the server.

    Currently, we are only using 3-5 printers unlike last summer wherein we uses more than 15 printers without any problem on the said services. I hope someone can help me about this. Thank you. 


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