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CSV file and multiple labels per page


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    Peter Thane

    Hopefully this should work:

    • create your label with the page settings set to print two rows and configure your template linking the fields to a dummy database that matches the layout of your trigger/output file. Give this data file a different name to your trigger file.
    • In Integration builder, create a File Integration that is waiting for a trigger file and add two actions to this. Set the integration to delete the file when triggered.
    • The first is a Write File action that should create a text file that matches the name you gave to your dummy database above and that saves the file in the same location where the dummy database is stored. Set this to replace any existing files and make sure you adjust the Variable (via the Insert Variable button) to Event Data

    • The Print Action should be set to print your label and no extra config should be required.

    At print time, when a file is produced, the Integration will read the contents of the file then delete the trigger. It will then write those contents to a new file with a name that matches the database name and location that is linked to the label format and then print the label.


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