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O'neil Mf4T On Windows 7


3 Kommentare

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    Ian Cummings

    Install the printer driver using the Seagull DriverWizard.  Choose the appropriate serial port that the bluetooth service exposes.

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    Legacy Poster

    I have the same problem, and I am not new to this rodeo, I have installed multiple bluetooth printers in XP Win7 mostly from Intermec, now I followed the following procedure (tried in Vista/Windows 7 /Windows 8):


    1) I paired the printer to the computer, via bluetooth add device.


    2) Idenfied the assigned COMn: port in the bluetooth settings app.


    3) Run the dirver Wizard. (installing Version 7.3.3 for the MF4t) and lo and behold in the list of availble ports, the port assigned to the bluetooth device is missing.


    4) Well, I install using a different port, (I am even using the rs232/rj11 cable and connect the printer to the physical serial port, and the printer does work under this configuration)


    5) I open the printer properties and change the assigned port form COM(physical): to COM(Bluetooth):


    6) Send a test page, the printer will beep, and the job will appear with error in the queue, the printer does not print, and I am back to square one. 


    Could it be a problem with the bluetooth version? I tried in four different computers (the oldest is 5 years old), and the result is the same in all of them. I can't connect the printer via bluetooth.

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    Ian Cummings

    hgeslee: I suggest you speak to the printer manufacturer for advice.


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