Web Print Server Vs Localhost
I am testing my web print application and on my localhost it prints fine but on the server when I send back the print code it sends me back the print license for the client pc.
Did you follow the instructions and test the Web Printing SDK?
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Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
Where would I find those instructions ?
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The example project in the SDK can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Seagull\BarTender Suite\SDK\Print Server SDK Samples\WebLabelPrint
Instructions can be found in the BarTender HELP system under the following topic: "Automating BarTender>Automation with BarTender .NET SDKs>BarTender .NET Print Server SDK>Samples>Web Label Print"
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Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
Then I believe, I followed them
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Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
I'm getting a new error message to today with C:\\PrintFile.prn cannot be opened with write access. pointing to this line. (btFormat.PrintSetup.PrintToFileName = @"C:\PrintFile.prn";) I was wondering if there is an iis setting that someone else has come across to fix this issue?
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- What Edition, version and build of BarTender is in use?
- On which Windows version and service pack is the web based application installed?
- Please confirm: If you install and run the WebLabelPrint sample following the instructions on BarTender's Help (without adapting the example to your own web based solution), do you still have the same issue?
- As a test, install our closed web printing solution application BarTender Web Print Server (BT-WPS) on the same test server (under its own separate 32 bit application pool), and let us know if you can perform internet printing without problems. BT-WPS is supplied with the corresponding installer package for your BarTender version. The White Paper for BT-WPS: http://www.seagullscientific.com/label-software/whitepapers/web-based-barcode-and-label-printing.pdf
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