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Web Print Server Vs Localhost


6 Kommentare

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    Ian Cummings

    Did you follow the instructions and test the Web Printing SDK?

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    Legacy Poster

    Where would I find those instructions ?

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    Ian Cummings

    The example project in the SDK can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Seagull\BarTender Suite\SDK\Print Server SDK Samples\WebLabelPrint


    Instructions can be found in the BarTender HELP system under the following topic: "Automating BarTender>Automation with BarTender .NET SDKs>BarTender .NET Print Server SDK>Samples>Web Label Print"

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    Legacy Poster

    Then I believe, I followed them 

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    Legacy Poster

    I'm getting a new error message to today with C:\\PrintFile.prn cannot be opened with write access. pointing to this line.  (btFormat.PrintSetup.PrintToFileName = @"C:\PrintFile.prn";) I was wondering if there is an iis setting that someone else has come across to fix this issue? 

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    Domingo Rodriguez
    1. What Edition, version and build of BarTender is in use?
    2. On which Windows version and service pack is the web based application installed?
    3. Please confirm: If you install and run the WebLabelPrint sample following the instructions on BarTender's Help (without adapting the example to your own web based solution), do you still have the same issue?
    4. As a test, install our closed web printing solution application BarTender Web Print Server (BT-WPS) on the same test server (under its own separate 32 bit application pool), and let us know if you can perform internet printing without problems. BT-WPS is supplied with the corresponding installer package for your BarTender version. The White Paper for BT-WPS: http://www.seagullscientific.com/label-software/whitepapers/web-based-barcode-and-label-printing.pdf

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