New System Database On Sql 2014
Greetings -
We're updating our database server to SQL 2014 and when I went to install a new bartender system database on that platform, I get an error:
Creating Physical BarTender database files...
Failed to execute sql command. Line: 84 - 86 Usage: sp_dbcmptlevel [dbname [, compatibilitylevel]]
Valid values of the database compatibility level are 100, 110, or 120.
Setup failed.
Is there a patch available to support SQL 2014?
Hello smccreadie,
I'm afraid that at the moment we still don't officially support SQL 2014 for our BarTender System Database.
We do officially support up to SQL 2008 and although SQL 2012 hasn't been fully tested we know of many customer that are currently working with it without issues.
We hope to include support for SQL 2014 in future releases of our software.
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