Saving Passwords For Mysql Odbc Connection
I'm trying to set up a MySQL database to replace the unorganised and trouble prone collection of excel files bartender links to. Everything seems to work pretty well, can see the tables and views and what have you, however I can't work out where to save the passwords for the connection.
I'm using the MySQL Connector/ODBC to set up the DSN, but everytime you open bartender it prompts for the password. I've found the option in Bartender to 'save password with file', but this doesn't seem to do anything, and I can't find an option to save the password in the User, System or File DSN configuations. I've even tried manually adding it to the *.DSN file, but it throws a error with (Password=NO) so it's clearly not there.
Does anyone know if there is a way to save the password with the connection or with the document?
Hmm, make sure you have the latest service release for your version of BarTender, also try using the general OLE DB provider for ODBC drivers. When in the OLE DB wrapper you might well have more luck.
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Had same issue with v10.1 of Bartender.
Solution was in the Database Connection Setup, under Options tab there is an option to save password.
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