Selecting Unique & New Records From A Db (Erp System)
Each label we print has unique and new information, the only thing that remains the same is the customer's number and a few other pieces of information required. We don't use barcodes.
Each time we print a label we have new batch numbers, different lot numbers, origins, seed etc. How do you pull this variable data when each label is unique to the order?
We are switching to a new ERP system (ABS) which is not available yet to connect to. I guess I am trying to grasp the concept on how this will work before I can even try to use it. I've already watched all the videos several times and how it works with Excel and Access. These tutorials are for data that never changes.
You wouldn't need to connect to a database if you wanted static data. The point of connecting to a database is to create fields on the label that change depending on what record is selected at print time.
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