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Using Bartender With 64Bit Office (Error#6670)


4 Kommentare

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    Ian Cummings

    To connect to an x64 version of Access you'll need an x64 version of the Microsoft Access Database Engine installed: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13255


    However, to use that I think you'll need an x64 version of BarTender (I might be wrong with that).  Luckily, with BarTender 2016, which we just released, we now support BarTender in an x64 flavour: http://www.seagullscientific.com/downloads/label-software/barcode-label-printing-software-download/

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    Legacy Poster

    I believe you're correct then, I have the x64 Access Database Engine installed.

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    Legacy Poster

    However, running 64 bit BT2016 on a 64 bit machine that has a 32 bit version of Office, you get an error because BT is looking for the 64 bit Jet 4.0 OLEB.


    You cannot have a machine that has both 32bit and 64bit OLEDB, per Microsoft.


    So the options seem to be either install 32bit BT 2016 or Update office to  64 bit, Correct?

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    Ian Cummings

    mbarkerusa: Note quite.  I have the same environment on my PC, but am able to run in x64 with BarTender after following the below instructions:


    Download the x64 database component from Microsoft:
    Open up a command prompt window (cmd), change directory to where the download is located, and run the below command line:
    AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe /passive
    Important: Before you do anything else, you'll need to delete or rename the "mso.dll" registry value in the following registry key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\FilesPaths".  You can do this via the Regedit application for modifying the system registry.
    All should now work A okay.

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