Invalid Check Digit For Gtn-14
I'm trying to reconstruct a current production label into a Bartender format. I'm doing so by just creating a new .btw label in Bartender while looking at the existing one beside me.
It's supposed to be printed by a Commander Script and therefore a DB textfile has been created containing all the product/shipping data.
It has been a nice journey all the way down to the very bottom of the label. There's this barcode witch is supposed to contain the following fields; The SSCS identifier (18 digits), Netweight (6 digits) and Batch numer (6 digits). The prefixes on the current production label are; (00),(3102) and (10).
So, the whole line looks as (00)373199902713030931(3102)004989(10)303093
When I try to preview the template, an error appears saying "Invalid check digit for GTN-14". The Barcode I'm using is GS1-128(01)(10)(21), 10 mils, 25%. But with my "custom" prefixes. That one seems to be the only barcode made for three placeholders.
Above this struggling barcode, I have another one with 4 placeholders. I have made changes to those prefixes as well, and there seems to be no problem at all. It contains a content number (14 digits), Best before date (6 digits), Pack date (6 digits) and a count number (4 digits).
How can I resolve this?
Michael Toupin (mtoupin
★ BarTender Hero ★
Don't use an existing GS1 architecture and modify it, you won't get the appropriate result. In this case, it's built for AI code 01 - SSCC 14 digit. Changing it to 00, which uses 18 digits, will not work. Start with just a general GS1-128 barcode, then use the Application Identifier wizard to build it appropriately for the codes you want to use. 0 -
Legacy Poster
★ BarTender Hero ★
Of course.. thank you, works like a charm!
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