Bartender: Error Message #3338
Has anyone come across this error message with BT 9.4/9.2? Most of our label files open okay but a couple kick back this error message:
From a Windows 7 workstation: (BarTender 9.4)
"The temporary file C:\Users\administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\BTW{4F80FD77-41DC-8F06-A9227482B304}.TMP could not be accessed."
From a Windows XP workstation: (BarTender 9.2 SR2)
"The temporary file C:\DOCUME~1\administrator\Locals~1\Temp\BTWF1.TMP could not be accessed."
I ensured logging in to the Windows 7 and Win XP machines as a local admin.
A Google search and Segull Forum search returns nothing on this error code (#3338).
Any ideas? Are the files corrupt?
Could it be that you originally opened a label format from another application, Outlook double clicking an attachment, and that you then later try to reopen the document by selecting it from the recently used files list in the "File" menu? You'll need to save file attachments to a normal file location like Desktop or Documents and then have BarTender open it from there. There are security restrictions on files opened in this way that get copied to this temporary folder.
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Could it be that you originally opened a label format from another application, Outlook double clicking an attachment, and that you then later try to reopen the document by selecting it from the recently used files list in the "File" menu? You'll need to save file attachments to a normal file location like Desktop or Documents and then have BarTender open it from there. There are security restrictions on files opened in this way that get copied to this temporary folder.
The files that are causing this error are located in normal file locations. They are contained within folders in a network location. They generate this error 3338 when trying to open them. Copying the files to a desktop will also not work and generates the same error. Other .btw files in the same network folder location will open. All of the btw files in the folder are almost identical in content and have a size that should be around ~21kb. However, the files that aren't able to be opened (3 of them) have a file size of ~99kb. These files will also display in the preview pane, like the working files do.
Is there anything that we can try that might resolve this issue without having to re-make the labels?
What other situations could cause this error to display?
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The file paths in you post indicate a temporary file location as I explained previously. If the BarTender document files are truly not being opened from there, then I can only imagine that some resource used in the document was loaded from the locations indicated. Difficult to tell from the vantage point of a forum post. You might well have to recreate them.
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Hi, We get this error code too (3338). Each time we try and open the .btw file, we get the error 3338. Here is a screenshot:
We can see the file through the preview pane, yet it won't open. I've tried to remove it from the temporary file location too and that didn't work either. I'm not sure why this would be a temporary file either. We have a deadline to meet soon. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Walter Sanders: Was the document a temp file due to being an attachment for an email in an email client? If so, just save the attachment within the email client to your desktop and then open the file from there.
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Hi Ian, This is not an attachment--it's a file we created. All of the other BarTender docs open just fine. We've deleted the temp file, placed it on the desktop....we even installed BT on another machine. We get the same result each time. We suspect the file is corrupt and all the labels ( front and back ) have to be recreated ( eye roll ) It's very frustrating to have to do this as it is such an immense waste of time.
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Why is the document file a temporary file? Could it be this is an auto-recovery file of some sort? In any case, I suggest you contact technical support for your region and send the file to them to examine. In some cases we are able to rescue corrupted files. Worth a shot I think.
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I don't know why the file says temporary. I called your tech support and bartender Ultralite is not supported since it is included with the purchase of Primera printers. That stinks.
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I have the same problem. I tried to install the newest versión and the same occurs. The previous versión was 10 and the newest is 2016
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Having the same problem, but with everyone of our files. Odd thing is we are using the the Web Printer server and the few that we use their work okay even though they give the same error when trying to open from BarTender itself.
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I'm having the same issue here, Any solution ?
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Hola Buen Dia. Estoy teniendo problemas al intentar guardar los cambios que se hacen en las etiquetas. Cada vez que se modifican las etiquetas, como ajustar el nombre y código de barras, al intentar guardar los cambios para no estar siempre modificando la etiqueta cada vez que se va a imprimir genera un error y no se permite guardar ningun cambio. El error es el siguiente>
Actualmente tenemos la version Bar Tender 9.2 y necesitamos con urgencia resolver esto para poder seguir operando.
Agradezco la ayuda que puedan brindarme. Muchas gracias !!
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I had the same problem.
Solution that worked for me: Just create the folders and Bartender will create the TMP file.
Hence, I created: C:\Users\administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\
and bartender created the .TMP file. BTW file opened and I could edit and save from there.
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Same problem here.. any solution?
@Jon Grove - didn't work..
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The problem is that this error message is somewhat generic in its meaning. Here are some possible causes:
- There is a corruption in the BarTender document file (usually certain document design objects).
- The temp folder is no longer accessible. This can happen with things like Citrix where it deletes the current user's temp files per session.
- The user just does not have permission. It's a weird one, but it has happened with some heavily restricted users.The problem with this message is that it just doesn't give a lot of context. As mentioned, it's one of those more generic error messages. Meaning that something went wrong with the label and BarTender is unable to handle.
I suggest you start by looking at the document itself. Sometimes creating a new document and then copying across objects from the original file on at a time is enough to fix things, or at least gives you an insight into which object is the cause of the error. perhaps recreating that one from scratch will fix things. Other than that, you will have to look into permissions of the user in use. I hope that helps.
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We ran into the same issue and resolved it by delete the temp files in C:\Users\<administrator here>\AppData\Local\Temp\.
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i´ve got the same error after updating BT2019 to BT2022, just check if you are starting Bartender Designer as administrator. This will solve the problem.
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Thanks Hans-Robert Nebel, It's working fine for me (BT2022).
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We were having serious production issues due to this error and had tried all of the above. If you are also struggling and use Bitdefender, the issue is with the On-Access Scanning feature (antimalwareonaccess). Once we disabled this function it worked as normal. Hope this helps!
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Thank you, Infoeurope! This was a great help.
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Hello, thank you for your research, Infoeurope. I've been experiencing the same problem on all my systems for a while.
Instead of completely disabling Bitdefender's On-Access scanning module (which is not advisable due to security reasons), I decided to add exclusions
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