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Bartender System Services Always Running


4 Kommentare

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    I am find a solution for this issue as well, anyone who can help us? 

    Thanks in advance!

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    Peter Thane

    I believe that the BarTender System Service needs to run for Admin Console to run and as that is open it will automatically restart the service. 

    You could try disabling it from Windows Services and see if that helps 

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    Thanks to Peter Thane. 

    I've already tried. If you disabled the BarTender System Service in Windows Services, then the BarTender can not open and run again. Unless you enable the BarTender System Service in Windows Services again. And it will always running...

    I just want edit my labels and then closed the BarTender, why the BarTender System Service always running even if closed the software. And when I restart my PC, I don't open any software, I observed BarTender System Service running in Admin Console, and take up almost 500MB in RAM. I'm so confused!

    Could you please give me some advice?

    Thanks in advance.


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    Peter Thane

    Probably as it is still running the licence.


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