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Starting a Database


3 Kommentare

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    Peter Thane

    Yes that is possible.

    You would need to create your database and then your label linking the appropriate fields on the label to the matching fields in the database, You would also need to create a database filter linked to the field in the database that holds the information you will be scanning with the barcode reader. 

    At print time the user would scan the code and BarTender would look for that value in the set field in the database and then print the label with all the other database field values being populated from the data for that selected product in the database. 

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    Hi Peter, thanks for your quick reply.

    But I don't get it... How do I link a barcode on my original item to a database.
    Just tried some time but it is not working as expected

    For Example:

    Original Item Barcode: 0550500000 --> this (barcode) needs to be scanned at the PC
    "behind" this barcode, there shall be several information from the database to fill in the corresponding fields like

    Item Name: ZETO
    Item No.: 12345
    Quality: Yellow

    I scan the original barcode, and all the information from this code shall appear on the label.

    Is there way to tell bartender to do so?
    My idea (hope) was to have an Excel file with my Original Info (Barcode) Column A1 and all info to be printed in B1, C1, D1, E1.....

    BTW, Do you have to this this manually for every item? 


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    Peter Thane

    You would create your label as normal linking the label to your Excel spreadsheet.

    Once linked the database fields will appear in the Data Sources column on the left and you can add them to your label:

    In the Database setup you would need to create a Filter (query) to perform the look up into the table.

    The filter will appear automatically when you go to print or else (as long as you are not using Starter) you could configure/link it so it appears on the a Data Entry form at print plus any other variable information, such as below

    At print time the result will be something like this





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