Can´t print multiple labels in a single face
I want to print several labels on the same face of a A4 sheet, side by side. For example:
I have connected the btw to a database in JSON format, and what in the btxml I send which are the records I want to print. Then, if I generate the labels in a PDF it processes them correctly, one next to the other and in the same face:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XMLScript Version="2.0">
<Command Name="Print Operation">
<PrintToFileName MakeUnique="true" SelectAtPrintTime="false">C:\bartender_test_results\1000000.pdf</PrintToFileName>
<RecordSet Name="i4" Type="btJSON">
But if instead of generating a PDF, if I simply send the print order to a printer, instead of getting the same result as in the image above, it prints one label in each face of the page:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XMLScript Version="2.0">
<Command Name="Print Operation">
<Printer>KONICA MINOLTA CommonDriver PCL</Printer>
<RecordSet Name="i4" Type="btJSON">
What are the changes I should implement to my btxml in order to get the same results as for the pdf file?
Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
Sorry not tried this with JSON type commands but normally you would configure the database connection to print X records per item and then add the fields on to the label template accordingly.
With 3 records per item you would get something like this in Designer:
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