Blank Print Label
We bought a printer HoneyWell, model (PD45S0F, Full touch screen, Direct Thermal and Thermal Transfer printer, Ethernet, 203dpi) and Bartender license for 2 printers.
We try to print from our erp through Bartenderand Barteneder Integration.
We use txt files and the command in txt is:
%BTW%/AF=d:\priority\bartender\etichete\part.btw /D=%Trigger File Name% /PRN=\\ToyotaTest1\PDF /C=1 /R=3 /P
If we try to print from wimdows (test page), is ok, if we try to print directly from Barte3nder is ok, but if we try to print from txt file with Bartender Integratins, the label is blank no informtaion on it.
Can you hrlp us?
Do you need more additional details?
I will add new details:
Bartender Integartion took the txt file, changed the extension from txt to dd and sent to the printer, but the printer is blank.
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I take it there is also data in your text file and you have configured your label to expect data from the a date or Named Data Sources, depending on how you have configured the Integration?
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