BarTender Commander suddenly return unresponsive messages
Recently we experience issues with the BarTender Commander tool.
After a random number of processed trigger files, we do get message like:
[Error] BarTender process <9272> is unresponsive. The process will be restarted.
[Error] BarTender process <9272> has terminated unexpectedly. The process will be restarted.
[Error] The following command has failed 2 times and will be removed from the queue:
/AF="E:\BarTender\Label.btw" /PRN="Printer" /P /D="E:\BarTender\DataFile.dat.db" /R=1 /C=1 /X /DD
[Error] BarTender process <9272> has terminated unexpectedly. The process will be restarted.
[Error] BarTender process <6164> is unresponsive. The process will be restarted.
[Error] BarTender process <6164> has terminated unexpectedly. The process will be restarted.
[Error] The following command has failed and will be attempted again:
/AF="E:\BarTenderLabel.btw" /PRN="Printer" /P /D="E:\BarTender\DataFile.dat.db" /R=1 /C=1 /X /DD
[Error] BarTender process <6164> has terminated unexpectedly. The process will be restarted.
The Commander tool is running as a service, while we also tried the suggested option to run as application. But in application mode, the errors do still occur.
As of the limited error information and no fixed pattern for the error to occur, it is hard to track and solve the issue.
We wonder if someone has a suggestion in which direction we have to look to solve these issues?
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