Error Message #2622
When attempting to open or run a BarTender application, you receive the following error message:
Applicable to
BarTender 2016 and later.
Open the Services application by searching for it in the Start menu. Check that all four essential BarTender services are both present and Running.
The essential services are:
- BarTender System Service.
- BarTender Print Scheduler.
- BarTender Integration Service.
- BarTender Licensing Service.
You may also notice the BarTender Print Gateway and Printer Maestro, which are not relevant to resolving this error.
If a Service is Missing
If one of these services is missing entirely, you can attempt to repair your BarTender installation.
- Search for Add or remove programs in your Start menu. Right-click on BarTender and select Modify.
- The BarTender installer will open. Select Repair and click Next. Your installation will repair itself automatically.
- Allow the installer to restart your computer if it asks after finishing the repair.
If the missing service is still missing after this procedure, you will need to manually install it.
Manually Installing a BarTender Service
- Launch a Command Prompt with Administrator rights.
- Change the directory (action: cd "") to the installation folder for BarTender.
- By default, the installation folder location for BarTender 2016 is:
C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender Suite - By default, the installation folder location for BarTender 2019 and later is:
C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender 20xx. Replace xx with the appropriate year of your BarTender version.
- By default, the installation folder location for BarTender 2016 is:
- Run the command * /install (where * represents the service that you need to install). The services are:
- BtSystem.Service.exe
- Licensing.Service.exe
- Integration.Service.exe
- PrintScheduler.Service.exe
As an example: BtSystem.Service.exe /install
BarTender System Service is not Running
If all four services are present, but the BarTender System Service is not running when you attempt to start it, and it fails with error message 1075: "Could not start BarTender System Services on local computer. The dependency does not exist or has been marked for deletion."
This likely means that one of the dependencies of the BarTender System Service failed to install properly. See our troubleshooting guide for instructions on resolving this issue.
All Services are Present and Running
If all of the previously mentioned services are present and running and you are still receiving error #2622, please reach out to BarTender Technical Services for assistance with this issue.
Additional Resources
Error 1075: Could not start BarTender System Service on local computer