Integration Message #2201: BarTender fails to generate print job if any database fields referenced by the document are not present in the trigger file.
This issue was resolved with the release of BarTender 2021 R1. Please consider updating beyond BarTender 2019 before using this workaround.
The integration will fail to generate the print job when not all of the database fields referenced by the document are present in the trigger file.
BarTender 2019
First, check that your integration is using the %EventData% variable to check for database fields:
- Select the Print tab of the Print Command Script section of Integration Builder.
- If it is set to %TriggerContents% or anything else, change it to %EventData%.
If you still receive the warning, follow these steps next:
- Open BarTender Designer.
- Go to the Administration menu and choose Application Message Setup.
- Search for 2201 and highlight the message.
- Change the Default Response to Message to Yes.
- Under Message Target(s), uncheck the option for Dialog (Interactive Use Only).
- Click OK.