How can I add a page number and total page counter that works with command script integrations (Print Job Fields)
How can I add a page number and total page counter that works with command script integrations (and likely other integrations too)? And perhaps make it work with just regular labels?
Scenario 1
You have a simple command script but you want to control the number of copies. So your command script might look something like this:
%BTW% /AF="C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\testgull.btw" /D="%Trigger File Name%" /PRN="Zebra 140XiIII Plus" /R=3 /C=3 /P /DD
Product,Color,Price,Part Number
White Raptor Snowboard,White,429.99,194785311
The C=3 controls the number of copies.
Scenario 2
You have a command script with multiple lines, and you want to count how many labels are printed in a batch. So your command script might look like ths:
%BTW% /AF="C:\Users\spetro\Documents\testgull.btw" /D="%Trigger File Name%" /PRN="Zebra 140XiIII Plus" /R=3 /P /DD
Product,Color,Price,Part Number
White Raptor Snowboard,White,429.99,194785311
Extreme III Team Limited Ed. Snowboard,Blue,749.99,277887831
Snow No Fear Snowboard,Green,399.99,115749884
Extreme III Standard Snowboard,Blue,649.99,113587712
Pretty in Pink Snowboard,Pink,409.99,199118543
How to add the page counters to your label
In the label file itself, you can add variables that will read print job information directly and can be dropped into the template.
There are two Print Job Fields that you'll need to link:
- Page Number
- Total Number of Pages
You can add a Print Job Field as a data type:
Add one for each and you have a Page # / Total of pages counter built into your template.
More Information
The built in Serialization component, Label X of Y, does not seem to work with integrations so you likely will need to work with it this way for copies.
There is also a really weird nuance to note. The Total Number of Pages defaultly displays as 9999 while the print out is correct.