BarTender Error Message #3409 When Trying to Print
When trying to print, you may receive the following error message:
Error Message #3409 Current user '[username]' ha no permission to use the printer 'printer name'. Check printer group's access control settings on license server 'servername' and try again.
BarTender will not print or export printer code template until this is corrected.
Applicable to
BarTender 2019 and later
BarTender 2019 introduced printer permissions, controlled by the licensing in the Administration Console. This error message originates from the printer either being blocked or in a list the current user cannot access. The best place to start looking is in the "Blocked" list.
- Open the Administration Console.
- Go to Licensing > Printer Usage.
- Select to the Permissions tab.
- Expand the system that your license is on, then expand the Blocked group.
If the printer isn't in the blocked list and you're still receiving Error 3409, open up the other printer groups to locate the printer. Once you've found which group it belongs to, check the permissions, listed in the User Access Control section.
If you wish to add permissions to allow this user to use this printer, please see Controlling User Access in the Administration Console.
If you wish to move the printer out of the Blocked Group or another Printer Group, please do the following:
- Right-click and select Edit the selected printer.
- Change the printer group.
- Click OK.
Block Rule
In addition, it's possible a Printer Mapping Rule blocking all new printers was configured on your computer. Removing this rule can resolve the error.
- Open the Administration Console.
- Go to Licensing > Printer Usage.
- Select to the Permissions tab.
- Expand New Printer to Printer Group Mapping Rules. If you see a rule like the one below (Blocked, All, All, All), click the red X icon to remove it.