What Access and Excel file extensions are compatible with BarTender 2019 and later?
Now that we are use our own drivers in BarTender 2019 and later, what Excel and Access file extensions do we support?
Our drivers are compatible with the modern / current file extension in Excel and Access, however when a customer uses the old file extension, BarTender falls back to the OLEDB (Microsoft Access Database) driver. Here's a rundown of file extensions
Formats supported by our driver:
- *.xlsx - excel
- *.accdb - access
Formats supported by the OLEDB driver
- *.xls - excel
- *.mdb - access
Other formats
- *.xlsm - macro-enabled excel
This format should be supported by our driver but this has not been tested extensively. The drivers were made to work around the two main formats listed above.
- *.xlsb - binary excel file
This format is not natively supported by our driver. However, it can be used by rolling back to the OLEDB driver.
Falling back to the OLEDB driver
If you need to fallback and use this driver for any reason, please see How to fall back and force BarTender to use the Microsoft Access Database engine driver (OLEDB / JET) in BarTender 2019
If you are having trouble with Excel or Access and are using the OLEDB driver, please see Troubleshooting Excel and BarTender.