How to Install SQL Server Express Manually
The BarTender installation wizard attempts to install SQL Server Express silently during BarTender installation by default unless otherwise configured (Follow this article on how to install BarTender without SQL server). In the vast majority of cases, this works flawlessly. However, there are some rare instances where the SQL Server installation fails and you must troubleshoot the installation and install it manually.
Applicable to
BarTender 2019
Starting with BarTender 2019 R3, you'll receive the following message if BarTender fails to install SQL Server:
This guide will walk you through the steps to figure out why the installation failed and install it manually. The process will consist of the following steps:
- Starting SQL Server installation
- Installing SQL Server
- Troubleshooting SQL Server errors
- Installing BarTender
Start SQL Server Installation
Once the files are extracted and ready, you must start the SQL Server Installation. You have two options for this:
It's fastest to simply start the installation manually, but the Command Line Interface allows you to preconfigure most of the options that need to be set during installation. We've provided instructions for both options.
Start SQL server manually
I have attempted to install BarTender
If you've already attempted to install BarTender, you can access the setup files from the following location:
Make sure to replace <USERNAME> with your username.
- Navigate to the above directory.
- Double click on SETUP.exe.
At this point, you can proceed to Installing SQL Server.
I have not attempted to install BarTender
If you haven't run the BarTender installer, you can download the files from Microsoft and start the installation.
- Go to: Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP3 Express download page (This download link is for SQL Server 2004 Express SP3. You may optionally download a later version of SQL Server from Microsoft).
- Select your language and press Download.
- Choose the option that matches your OS Architecture:
- Express 32BIT\SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe (for 32-bit)
- Express 64BIT\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe (for 64-bit)
- After the download is complete, double click the file to begin extraction
- Once the files have been extracted, the installation wizard will start automatically.
At this point, you can proceed to Installing SQL Server.
Using Windows Command Line interface
I have attempted to install BarTender
If you have already attempted to install BarTender, you already have the SQL installation files and can run the following command:
- Go to the Windows Start menu
- Type CMD to open a Windows Command Prompt
- Enter following command:
- Make sure that you replace <USERNAME> with your username.
- At this point, you can proceed to Installing SQL Server.
I have not attempted to install BarTender
If you haven't tried to install BarTender, you'll need to run the same command, but you'll have to replace the first part with a path a SQL file that you can download from Microsoft.
- Go to: Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 SP3 Express download page (This download link is for SQL Server 2004 Express SP3. You may optionally download a later version of SQL Server from Microsoft).
- Select your language and press Download.
- Choose the option that matches your OS Architecture:
- Express 32BIT\SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe (for 32-bit)
- Express 64BIT\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe (for 64-bit)
- After the download is complete, double click the file to begin extraction.
- Once the files have been extracted, the installation wizard will start automatically. Close this window before running the command line.
- Go to the Windows Start menu.
- Type CMD to open a Windows Command Prompt.
- Enter following command:
Make sure that you replace <DOWNLOAD_LOCATION> with the location that you downloaded the file to.At this point, you can proceed to Installing SQL Server.
Going Through SQL Server Installation
Once the installation has started, you'll need to go through the installation process. It is important to note that you will encounter an error at some point during the installation. You can troubleshoot some of these error by following the steps in Troubleshooting SQL Server. Note, some of the images below may slightly differ depending on the version of SQL Server you install.
- On the first page of the wizard, make sure to accept the license terms. Click Next.
- The second page of the installation setup is the Global Rules. It is highly likely that you'll run into an error on this page. You'll neet to troublleshoot the error in order to continue. We've provided some basic troubleshooting steps here. You can also consult Microsoft's documentation.
- Once you get past the errors blocking installation, you'll want to click Next until you get to the Feature Selection page. Here you'll want to select Database Engine Services from the available options. Click Next.
- On the Instance Configuration page, choose Named instance: and type in BARTENDER. Click Next.
- Click Next until you get to Database Engine Configuration. You want to set the Server Configuration to Windows authentication mode. You should also add the following users:
- Builtin\Administrators
- Your local users
- Click Next until you reach the final screen. You should see a message saying that your SQL Server 2014 installation completed successfully. Click
Troubleshooting SQL Installation
Setup account privileges: failed
This failure means that something within the Windows Group Policy is preventing the current user from being able to do one or more of the following:
- Back up and archive directories
- Manage and audit security logs
- Debug software
You'll need to log into an administrative account that has these privileges to continue. The dialog will not proceed until all these checks are green.
The specified account already exists
During the SQL installation process, you may encounter an error like this:
SQL Server Setup has encountered an err when running a Windows Installer File.
Windows Installer error message: The specified account already exists.
This dialog is relatively unhelpful and means something different than what it appears to be. In short, do the following:
- Uninstall the SQL 2012 Native Client
- Click Retry
Unable to start SQL server service for BarTender SQL server instance
You may run into the following errors when trying to start and run the SQL Server service for the BarTender SQL Server instance.
- Services - Windows could not start the SQL Server <instance name> on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. if this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 5023.
- In the Windows Event viewer, you can see the following errors.
- FCB::Open failed: Could not open file E:\sql12_main_t.obj.x86Release\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.proj\model.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 3(The system cannot find the path specified.)
- FileMgr::StartLogFiles: Operating system error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.) occurred while creating or opening file 'E:\sql12_main_t.obj.x86Release\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.proj\modellog.ldf'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation.
- The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm...
- This error message or similar may also occur when you attempt to start or connect to the BarTender SQL Server instance.
Possible solutions
- Follow these Microsoft support articles.
- Upgrade to the latest version of SQL Server 2014 Express SP3 or later.
- You can download full SQL Server 2014 Express SP3 here (Optionally, you can download a later version of SQL Server from Microsoft).
- Choose either SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe (for 64-bit) or SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe (for 32-bit) to download depending on the bit version of your Windows OS.
Uninstall the existing version of SQL Server 2014 and BarTender instance.
- You can either go to the Windows Control panel->Programs/Features or run the following Windows command line with the SQL Server installer to uninstall SQL Server 2014 and BarTender instance.
setup.exe /Action=Uninstall /FEATURES=SQL,AS,RS,IS,Tools /INSTANCENAME=BarTender
- You can either go to the Windows Control panel->Programs/Features or run the following Windows command line with the SQL Server installer to uninstall SQL Server 2014 and BarTender instance.
- Install SQL Server 2014 Express SP3 following the SQL Server installation instructions above.
- You can download full SQL Server 2014 Express SP3 here (Optionally, you can download a later version of SQL Server from Microsoft).
Error message: "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation..."
Find more information in the following support article: BarTender was unable to install Microsoft SQL Server Express on Windows 10 20H2.
Installing BarTender
Once SQL Server confirms it has been successfully installed, run the BarTender installer as administrator. You should now proceed past the SQL Server installation error.