Error 0x800F0954 while installing .NET Framework
You may receive this error when trying to install .NET Framework (a required component for BarTender to run) on Windows 10.
- Windows 10
- You're making use of WSUS (Windows Server Update Services). This error may occur if the .NET Installer is not approved in WSUS.
- Usually .NET Framework 3.5
We strongly recommend that an IT Admin verifies and applies these steps
To fix the problem, temporarily bypass WSUS server using the following registry edit (requires administrator privileges).
- Right-click Start, and click Run
- Type regedit.exe and click OK
- Go to the following registry key:
- Right click on the folder "AU" in the tree structure on the left, choose Export to do a backup of the key before modifying it
- In the right-pane, if the value named UseWUServer exists, set its data to 0
- Exit the Registry Editor
- Restart Windows
- Install .NET Framework
- After installation, access the registry and set the UseWUServer data back to 1
- Exit the Registry Editor
- Restart Windows