SVG/Vector Image Issues: Text Out of Position
When importing an SVG image file into BarTender, the text in the image is out of position.
BarTender 2019 and later.
BarTender is not an image editor, so when dealing with vector images like SVGs that have a number of different features and settings there may be times when they do not display properly. Our recommendation to address these problems is to ensure that the correct settings are applied in your image software. Make sure that text is grouped and formatted properly (correct spacing, white spaces, indentations, etc).
Manually Altering the SVG File
If it's not possible to edit the SVG in an image editor, you can manually make changes to an SVG file using a text editor.
In the example image below a depreciated xml:space="preserve" attribute is being used. This attribute preserves white space in text objects, which caused some of the text to jump outside the lines. Changing this attribute to xml:space="default" fixed most of the text alignment issues.
You can also edit the x=and y= values to shift the text in the desired direction.