Moving BarTender Security Settings to a New System
This guide provides instructions on how to move BarTender security settings to a different machine.
Applicable to
- BarTender 2016 and later
BarTender 2016
Part 1: build the security file
This part only needs to be done once. It is recommended to do this as an administrator so you don't lock yourself out of the admin console:
- On one of the computers, Open the Admin Console.
- Navigate to the security section and check the checkbox. We'll be using the Local File for security.
- Set all your permissions. Make note that anything explicitly marked as denied will deny this option for all users of this group, regardless of if they can access this feature in another group.
- Once you've set the permissions, click OK to close the Admin Console.
- Navigate to the location of the xml file. By default this is C:\ProgramData\Seagull Security\. Copy the SecuritySettings.xml for use in the next section.
Part 2: applying the settings.
This part must be done for each computer where you want to apply these settings:
- For each computer, open the Administration Console.
- Like step 2 above, enable security for this PC but this time, do not set any user permissions.
- Click OK and close the Admin Console.
- On your Windows Services list, stop the "BarTender System Service"
- Navigate to the security folder. By default, this is C:\ProgramData\Seagull Security\
- Paste the xml created in Part 1 here. When asked if you want to replace the file, confirm this.
- Start the "BarTender System Service"
- When you open the Administration Console, you should now see your security settings applied for this computer.
BarTender 2019 and later
In BarTender 2019 and later the Security settings are saved in the system database. This means that migrating a locally stored system database will also migrate security settings. For a centrally stored system database security settings are shared between all Computers connecting to the same system database.(only available in the Enterprise Automation Edition of BarTender)