BarTender System Service: A server id record could not be selected due to the following error; Inner Message: The BarTender System Service failed an attempt to insert unique information.
Getting this in the Event log with EventID 10061:
BarTender System Service: A server id record could not be selected due to the following error; Inner Message: The BarTender System Service failed an attempt to insert unique information.
Table: Servers, Command: ; Inner Message: Cannot open database "Datastore" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'.
We do not have a system database and retrieve information from an Oracle database. Clicking on 'System Database' I get The BarTender System Database has not been configured for this system.
Label printing from the server and remote PCs is working. How can I stop this error?
What version of BarTender are you using? There is a similar issue referenced in the BarTender 2021 release notes bug fixes so if using that version you may want to update it to last release (R9) to see if it is the same thing and it is already fixed.
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