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Named data sources in BTXML file not being passed to VB script in template



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    Peter Thane

    Not sure but it could be the VB is being run before the data is there to use, if that makes sense.

    Have you tried adjusting the VB to Event Controlled VB routines say OnIdenticalCopies and see if that resolves the issue, as the VB is actioned later in the print routine. 

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    Greg Iverson

    Hi Peter!

    Thanks SO much for your reply!

    The frustrating thing is that Seagull says to add the ReferenceSharedSubstring statement at the top to force it to recognize the Named fields and fix the exact issue I'm having, but when I added it I get the error immediately when trying to just exit the VB scripting page in Designer :(

    I'm very rusty on VB coding so I'm not familiar with how to do what you suggested...? :)


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    Peter Thane

    I am just wondering if you are making it too complicated for yourself.

    Couldn't you do something like this:

    This actually prints like this 

    The bottom fields are the Named fields and do not need to be on the label or you could probably use those as the strings themselves in the Normal Wrapped text object rather than using the Object Value that I have used for each one. 

    I have added, between each sub-string, a Carriage Return which is suppressed if the next/following sub-string is empty and you can see the result of this in the printed sample above where Addr2 is blank.




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