How to Convert BTXML to Variables in an Action?
We have a web service integration that prints 3 fields on a label using the print BTXML action. I'd like to add a fourth field that would not be printed on the label, but would contain email address that could be used to set a variable that would be used in a a subsequent send email action as the email address. How could I do this. See below for the BTXML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XMLScript Version="2.0" Name="09232006_103601_Job1" ID="123">
<Command Name="Job1">
<NamedSubString Name="field1">
<Value>John Q. Public</Value>
<NamedSubString Name="field2">
<NamedSubString Name="field3">
<NamedSubString Name="email_address">
<ExportPrintPreviewToImage ReturnImageInResponse="true">
Official comment
Gene Henson
Official comment★ BarTender Hero ★
There's no easy way to grab substring values from the XML file, yet. However, there's a relatively easy workaround using PowerShell.
The basic premise is that you'll:
- Create an variable in the integration to store the email address (I called it email_address.)
- Use Powershell to parse the "Event Data" (which is your initial XML script) to find the email_address Substring
- Store that value in the email_address variable
- Use that variable in the Send email action
I tested this using the XML file provided above. The below script will work:
[xml] $xml = '%EventData%'
$match = $xml.XMLScript.Command.FormatSetup | % {$_.NamedSubstring} | ? {$_.Name -match 'email_address'}
$match.ValueLine 1:
[xml] $xml = '%EventData%'
This creates a variable ($xml) of XML type and assigns it the value of the EventData variable. Please note the ' around %EventData%. This is sets the input to String type, which is what Powershell needs.
Line 2:
$match = $xml.XMLScript.Command.FormatSetup | % {$_.NamedSubstring} | ? {$_.Name -match 'email_address'}
Here we create a variable to hold the matched data and call it $match. We use dot notation to read down the XML path into the FormatSetup node. Once there, we use '%' to loop through the NamedSubstrings and use '?' to find the Substri
ng named 'email_address'.
Line 3:
We output the value of the $match variable. This is important because the output of the Powershell script will be assigned to a variable, so we only want the actual value.
See the below screenshot for how I've set this up:
Hopefully that makes sense and works for you!
Did you ever find a solution for this?
Edit: The solution from Gene Henson works. A little annoying how one has to jump through these hoops, but it works! Thanks for the very descriptive response.
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No I did not. I came up with a clumsy workaround. Do you know of a solution that I could use to implement my original idea?
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Yes as I mentioned above, the solution from Gene Henson works for this purpose
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