Upgrade BarTender 9.4 R3 to BarTender 2016 R2 - Commander/Integration Builder: Scripting issues
we are planning to upgrade our BarTender version as described in the title - we began with some testing, as we are using the scripting option for our jobs, we struggle with the correct settings:
When importing the .tl file in BarTender 2016, it seems, that the - with ver. 9.4 perfectly running - .csv files generate the error "Input data file 'CS_Label.csv' contains data not in correct TextCSV format. Details: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.
When we generate a brand new job, this error doen't occur anymore, but a new one shows up:
<Response Version="2.0" AppName="BarTender" AppVersion="11.0" AppVersionId="1100" AppVersionMajor="11" AppVersionMinor="0" AppVersionBuild="3056" AppInstancePid="6624" AppInstanceGuid="{8351EBB5-D3BC-4431-81FD-239CD2A03C0E}"><User>MP\markower</User><Server>ATMPGRHV12</Server><Message Id="3908" Guid="{A8306609-83DE-4B1F-83BA-6A20C644031C}" Severity="Error" Category="XML Script" Response="OK"><Text>Bei der BTXML-Skriptverarbeitung ist folgender Fehler aufgetreten:
Die Anzahl der Kopien wird von einer Datenquelle bezogen. Der Wert für die Kopien im Druckdialog muss eine Konstante sein.</Text></Message><Command /></Response>
(The errormessage disappears, when option /C=1 is deleted in the scripting-file, as the error states, that number of copies has to be a constant value.)
Actually we are using Bartender in combination with SAP and therefore with automatically generated .csv files. As we use paramenter /C=* actively to control different numbers of copies for different customers (BarTender is used for printing Palet Labels) - is there any option to actively control the number of copies even within the file?
Example of used code:
%BTW% /AF="\\server\Path\to\folder\Labels\Label_standard_sap_StrichMatrix_v6.btw" /D="%Trigger File Name%" /PRN="Printername" /R=3 /P /C=1 /DD
As stated above, /C= could also be 2, 3, 4 or 5.
Thank you in advance.
Kr Harald Pollhammer
Shotaro Ito
★ BarTender Hero ★
Please update to BarTender 2016 R4 and check again as there's many improvement in Integration including command script compatibility.
Also if the bartender document (btw file)'s Print dialog copy setting is set to data source, /C option doesn't work.
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