Print Qty tab reverts back to "First Record Only", doesn't actually print first record
Hello there!
Our labels are connected to a database (Excel spreadsheet) with all of our product data, and our query narrows the record selection list down to only the products ordered by a given customer, and calculates the correct quantity of labels needed for each record.
Recently we've noticed that if we select only the first record in the list, the "Queried Records" dropdown automatically reverts from "Selected" to "First Record Only."
This shouldn't be a problem, except that the record output is not actually the first record! It appears to select what would be the first record if the list were sorted alphanumerically.
If I manually change the Queried Records dropdown back to "Selected," the correct record is printed.
Is there a way that I can prevent that dropdown from reverting to "First Record Only"?? Or some other solution to this problem?
We're using BarTender Professional Version 10.1 SR4, Build 2961.
For anyone with the same issue, this is the solution suggested by Seagull support:
The problem appears to be with the order of which you query your records. When you print, change the Queried Records option to "Selected At Print Time." BarTender will query your records, and present you with your options.
If you choose "First Record" as the Queried Record option, you are querying the data, selecting the record, and then querying the data again. Since "First Record" is selected, it will select the first record in the data source that matches the query.
Selecting the record at print time only queries the data once and gets you the labels you need.1
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