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Print total number to be serialized on the printed labels



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    Peter Thane

    Interesting. I get the same. 

    To get round this delete the Total Number of Pages field and add a new field onto the label and give that field a Name via the Change Data Source Name Button


    And then on the File Print screen link the Serial Numbers value to the Named Data Source. I would suggest adding an Entry Box on to a Data Entry Screen for the users to enter this value.

    Setup like this then the correct commands are sent down, ie for 25 serialised labels ^PQ25,0,1,Y



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    Peter Thane

    The font used in the serialised field will need to be an internal font of the printer and on the File>Print>Performance tab you will need to make sure the Allow Serialisation is ticked.  

    For example as shown here


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    Jonas Granstrand


    I am using a Zebra font and I do optimize for serialization and the counter for the serialization "Sida 1" works as expected.


    It's when I add an element for "Total number of pages" it starts adding one copy for each label in the printer queue

    So Just "Sida 1" on the label and serialized for 20000: One (or actually 5) copies is sent to the printer queue and the printer prints 20000 serialized from 1-20000

    Add "Total number of pages" on the label and serialized for 20000: 20000 copies are sent to the printer queue and the printer prints them like individual copies

    Does that clarify my situation?

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    Jonas Granstrand

    Thank you Peter!
    That worked perfectly.

    Best regards

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    Jonas Granstrand


    I'm coming back to this old issue because a new related problem occured.

    The basics works for this label, ie it gets serialized the correct way by the printer, the problem occurs when I try to do this with a printer that is set to cut the labels after each print.

    Scenario 1: The label is set to use the printer settings (cut) this will cause the label to serialize correctly BUT the printer doesn't cut the labels after each label.

    Scenario 2: The printer uses the label settings (cut) this will cause the label to be added to the printer queue and not serialize correctly BUT the printer cuts the labels after each print.

    Any idea on why the serialzation doesn't work when the printer uses the label settings?

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    Peter Thane

    What printer and driver are you using and can you do a print to file and paste in the commands in a reply?

    I haven't a printer to test with but looking at a ZPL file that I created in BarTender then the print and cut commands are correct according to the ZPL manual/Zebra website

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    Jonas Granstrand

    Hello Peter

    We are using Zebra printers (ZT610 in this case) with drivers from Seagull (v2020.4).

    When I do the print to file do you want me to print a label where the printer settings are defiend by the label or defiend by the printer?

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    Peter Thane

    I think sending the command in the label format would be the best way to go.

    The label file needs a print command something like this ^PQ10,1,1,Y where the first 1 is the cut after 1 label command and BarTender should include that automatically if the cutter has been enabled in the driver settings. 

    Just in case the printer isnt calling up a cached version of the printer without the cutter enabled then it maybe worth flushing the cache memory of the printer. Cycling the power will do this or else you can use the flush cache option from the File>Print>Printers cache tab. 


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    Jonas Granstrand

    Hello Peter

    Here are the commands from my 'print-to-file'

    ^A@B,17,18,TT0003M_^FDQ-Med AB^FS
    ^A@B,17,18,TT0003M_^FDQ-Med AB^FS
    ^A@B,17,18,TT0003M_^FDQ-Med AB^FS
    ^A@B,17,18,TT0003M_^FDQ-Med AB^FS
    ^A@B,17,18,TT0003M_^FDQ-Med AB^FS


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    Peter Thane

    There is no cut command in that file and so, for example, the 


    should be 


    You need to check that you enabled this in the File>Print>Document Properties>Stock tab.



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