How to load a .sds to setup parameter during install windows driver?
Dear Engineer,
I exported & backup a .sds from windows driver and hope can auto -loading it to set driver parameter during install driver on other computer ,instead of import this .sds after installed driver manually. can you please help to check how to do it and share me a step by steps? thank you very much.
1. my driver version is 'Honeywell_2023.2.exe', and I can manually import the configuration file .sds to modify the driver parameters (modify 'printer preferences-stock -setup options',and select ‘use current printer settings’' )
2.when I save my .sds name to 'Defaults[IN]_2023.1.2.0.sds' and replace "Common\Defaults[IN]_2023.1.2.0.sds ", then run 'DriverWizard.exe' to install printer driver , then check driver properties, The modified parameter does not take effect.
my .sds:
<preset default='true'>
If you are able send a email to me <>, I would appreciate it very much.
Best Regards
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