Michel Simonet
Could someone please supply a step-by-step series of instructions on how to select specific words from an excel spreadsheet Ingredients field and make it bold on the label format at the time of printing.
I am led to believe that you create a specific file/Db or the like where all known Allergens are listed and create a Vb script that analyses that specific Db field and automatically creates a BOLD word as required, Please forward to michel@zlabels.com.au much appreciated.
Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
Checkout the EU FIC label that should be in your C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender XXXX\Templates\Food folder
(where XXXX will be 2019-2022)
This label has a number of Named Data Sources built into it including one where you can specify any additional allergens you need to add to the existing list.
If you are link to a database link your ingredients declaration field in the database to the Ingredients named data source and at print time the VB script will take your ingredients, search for any Allergens listed in the Allergen named source # and apply the style listed in the Allegren Style source. # Any exceptions listed in the Exceptions Named Data Source will not have the Allergen Style applied to them.
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