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vbscripting, random numbers



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    Peter Thane

    Add a sequential number field off to the side of the label (ie so it doesn't print) and configure your VB Script as an Event Controlled Script set to OnSerialise

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    Ashish Karnani

    Hi Peter - I added a sequential number field (and I could actually use that sequential number in place of the 6 digit random number).  

    How do I chance the VB Script from "OnProcessData" to "OnSerialize" ?


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    Ashish Karnani

    I did try setting a vbscript in the Document Events' OnSerialize to concatenate the existing value with the 6-digit serial number

    Bar Code 2 is the item i'm trying to add the 6-digit serial number (or random number) to and Text 13 is the newly created serialized item which is off the label. 

    Format.Objects("Bar Code 2").Value = Format.Objects("Bar Code 2").Value & Format.Objects("Text 13").Value

    The error I get is :   OnSerialize: Unable to write read-only property.   How woudl I make "Bar Code 2".Value but updatable, i.e. not read only?

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    Peter Thane

    You need to make the field itself an Event Controlled VB script routine rather than use a Document Level Script


    As in the image above the Text element could be added as a separate substring to the VB element 




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