Update database record after Print
I am looking for a solution to update the field (Serial Number) in an item record of a SQL 2008 database table. I need the solution to always increment the existing number by the number of labels printed. We will have multiple part numbers (Internal Article Numbers) in the table and only one record per part number. I have 9 digits for the Serial Number 000000001. If I print 25 labels, I need the [Serial Number] Field to add 000000001 plus the number of labels printed to update the database record to 000000026. Without any user intervention. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Database Layout Below
[Internal Article Number]
,[Product Description]
,[Serial Number]
FROM [dbo].[CustomerXXX_Label_SQL]
You will need to use an Action to achieve this either one from a Data Entry Form or a Document Level Action
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