Seagull Zebra Driver - Can't Map Network Print Q's on a Print Server
We are having a hard time recently with the Seagull Zebra driver. When we try to map to a Zebra using the Seagull driver, we get, "A policy is in effect on your computer which prevents you from connecting to this print queue. Please contact your system administrator." The print servers are W2012R2. I have also tried a W2022 print server using the 2023.4 Seagull Zebra driver. The workstations are W7, W10, and W11. Q's using non-Seagull drivers are able to map. We have tried altering group policy but it has not helped with the Seagull driven Zebras. Has anyone seen this and has a solution?
Thank you,
Chris Ottenot
Further investigation has been done. It appears the Seagull Zebra driver is requiring the FQDN instead of the short name. Any idea why?
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