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Labels in test environment with watermark "test"



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    Peter Thane

    Can you control the output from SAP in any way and say add an extra field with either a 0 from the test server or a 1 from production? 

    If so you could add an extra layer to each label that only prints when the field is set to 0 and the layer just has the word test on it


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    Klaus Seelig

    Hi Peter,

    yes this could be an option. Eventually it could also be an option, to use variable for the servername, means, when we print via BT test server (frm any SAP system) it will always print the layer ... what do you think? 
    I will test this and come back with information.

    Thanks Klaus

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    Peter Thane

    If you create a separate Integration that runs on the Test rather than the main server you could use the Print Job Fields>Computer Name as an option instead

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    Klaus Seelig

    Great, thank you Peter. 

    Yes, we plan to have separated servers for test & PROD environment, so this should work.
    I will test during the next days and let you know the results.

    BR Klaus


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